Friday, November 26, 2010


I can't wait to feel the rush of traveling.

Can't wait.

I'm craving traveling almost as much as I'm craving adventure.

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Today in the middle of a run on the elliptical, I decided to do some floor exercises. To do this, I needed one of my tools which was in the car. So I ran to the car (actually ran). Then I gave a real run a shot. I ran a circle around my apartment (approx. 1/2 a mile), and before I made it back I was limping from pain in my right knee and hip.

I guess I just needed a reminder as to why I need that elliptical.

So sad.
Running outside was so much more fulfilling!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


"The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding, but as for you, you have no share in Jerusalem or any claim or historic right to it." - Nehemiah 2:20

As the Lord calls people and situations into our lives, He asks us to pour into them and build them up. The Lord called Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem, the city in which his Fathers were buried. Because of the Lord's favor, he was provided many men to also pour into Jerusalem and build it up. But Nehemiah understood something the other men did not. Just because they were spending their energy and time rebuilding this city as their families were home alone without men, did not mean they had any right to the final product.

How many times have I been called to a person or place to pour God's love in, then felt as though I had a right speak my mind into he/she/it? Hundreds, I'm sure. But I have no right. Everything good I do is God using me as a vessel--it's not my idea, plan, or even implementation. I don't get to decide what happens next. In all things, no matter how wise I think I am, I must seek the Lord for guidance and truth before making any decision.


Friday, November 12, 2010


I love the way the mind works. How it plays memories back just like a movie.

At night when I'm trying to sleep, I can close my eyes and I'm back in Hong Kong.

Walking over the bridge to the mall in Sha Tin.

Standing in TST looking across the canal into Central.

Finding my way through Festival Walk by myself for the first time.

Walking back to the hotel at midnight.

Sitting quietly on top of Lamma Island watching ships sail in.

I can see it all clear as day. I want so badly to go back there, but I know it won't be the same. As much as I miss it, my ten days in Hong Kong will forever be cherished and will forever be sealed in my mind. Memories. I don't want to ruin them by trying to recreate them. They're perfect just the way they are.

Thank You, Lord, for blessing me with the most amazing Spring Break. Thank You for blessing me with the opportunity to experience you in a whole new way. I love you.