Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday Morning.

I really like mornings. I like to take them slow. It seems to be the only time of day that I can do things as I please. Lately I've been waking up with a strong desire to cook a full meal. Of course, I never have time for such things in the morning, so I really wish I could have that desire when I get home from work. But, alas, here it is. I could make chili or taco meat. That would be delish. But not now, unfortunately. One day I'll live in a house again and I'll be able to use that beautiful grill my dad bought me a couple of years ago. Ahhh... I had some good times on that grill before the law caught up with me.

Today is day two of Turn. The company is handling it well and George seems to be really excited about where the company is headed. We've almost got all the numbers figured out. Tomorrow is the First of August. I have deemed August the Month of Efficiency. We are going to be super smart with our time this month. There's a schedule and a focus and a goal. Not to mention, with turn behind us we don't have to feel like we're sitting on our hands with half of our projects.

Today is going to be a very productive day. Then I'm going to come home and get on my elliptical! :) Oh how I love my new toy!


Thursday, July 29, 2010


I want it.

I need it.

I have it.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Texas Hold 'Em

It's time to put on my poker face and play the game.

Father: guidance, peace, and strength, please.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I fell.

And I'm still falling.

Father, let Your will be done.

Friday, July 2, 2010


Next Wednesday will mark one month working for Classic City Realty.

So far, the only bad thing about working full-time is waking up on Friday and figuring how to convince yourself that you MUST shower and blow-dry your hair--it's even harder when no one is going to be in the office all day. Casual Friday? Probably.

I'm about 2/3 done with my current novel. Then me and J- are going to read Lord of the Rings together. I'm really excited about it; I've never read them before.

Tomorrow I'm going shopping with my mom for more grown-up clothes. And maybe some make-up, too. It's really nice of them to take me shopping--I can't afford to go on my own.

Speaking of money: I've got to figure out how much I have and how much I'm spending. Especially since my power bill was nearly thrice what I expected it to be. :(

Stupid student loans. If it weren't for them I wouldn't be so worried..

Maybe I'll get a good amount of graduation money to pay them off and I won't have to worry much about them for a year. I'll be able to save up again--when I'm getting paid more.

I'm still working on that second job. I know it sounds crazy, but an extra one or two hundred dollars a month will really loosen things up a bit. Make budgeting more realistic and less idealistic.

It'll work itself out.

I have to get myself motivated to be productive today. I didn't get a *ton* done yesterday, which is disappointing. But I'll get a lot done today then play hard all weekend. :)